NANOSTRUCTURES (Cu,Zn)/h-BN FOR HETEROGENEOUS CATALYSISJan 1, 2021·I. N. Volkov,A. S. Konopatskiy,D. v. Leybo,A. M. Kovalskii,D. v. Shtansky· 0 min read PDF CiteTypeConference paperPublicationТезисы докладов VIII Международной молодежной научной конференцииLast updated on Jan 1, 2021 ← Microstructure and catalytic properties of Fe3O4/BN, Fe3O4(Pt)/BN, and FePt/BN heterogeneous nanomaterials in CO2 hydrogenation reaction: Experimental and theoretical insights Jan 1, 2021New Heterogeneous Nanostructured Catalysts Based on Transition Metal Nanoparticles and Hexagonal Boron Nitride Jan 1, 2021 →